Replacing a Certificate of Naturalization
The Middle District Court of Tennesse is unable to provide a copy of your naturalization certificate or any other documenation that certifies your citizenship. To obtain a replacement of your naturalization certificate, please see the instructions found at or call (800) 375-5283 for additional details.
Letters of Verification of Naturalization
For emergency travel only, the Court will issue a Letter of Verification so that you may obtain a temporary passport, only if you were naturalized in this Court after January 1993. This letter is offered during the Clerk's Office hours of 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM, Monday - Friday (except federal holidays). In order to quailfy for this verification letter, you must have been naturalized in this court, provide the exact date of your naturalization, and were 18 years of age or older at the time of naturalization.
Anyone naturalized in the Middle District of Tennessee before January 1993 may request verification of citizenship from the facility that maintains our records:
5780 Jonesboro Road
Morrow, GA 30260
(770) 968-2100
***Please note that even though a letter of verification of naturalization can be obtained for emergency travel, anyone losing a naturalization certificate, should apply for a replacement certificate from USCIS.