Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Information
Attorney Admissions
- Please read Local Rule of Court 83.01carefully before applying or moving for admission.
- Admission to Practice - Procedures and Application
- Form Motion for Admission Pro Hac Vice –
- NOTE: Certificates of Good Standing must be from a United States District Court or a United States appellate court. State bar certificates of good standing are not acceptable for pro hac vice admission.
- Certificates of Good Standing must have been issued within 6 months of filing a Motion for Pro Hac Vice Admission.
- Attorneys with CM/ECF filing privileges in this Court may file Motions for Admission Pro Hac Vice via CM/ECF.
- For attorneys who do not yet have CM/ECF filing privileges in this Court, motions may be filed via CM/ECF by local counsel, or counsel may e-mail the motions to
Attorney Change of Address Instructions
Certificate of Good Standing Requests
Criminal Justice Act (CJA) Information
PACER – Public Access to Court Electronic Records
- Requests for transcripts or audio recordings are governed by Local Rules of Court 72.04 and 83.05.
- Administrative Order 27: Court Reporters’ Rates for Transcripts
- Electronic Availability of Transcripts of Court Proceedings (Effective May 5, 2008)
- Court Reporter contact information:
- Roxann Harkins (Judge Trauger):
- Patty Jennings (Chief Judge Campbell):
- Lise Matthews (Judge Crenshaw):
- Debbie Watson (Judge Richardson):